Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Pure-breeds and Hybrids....

Columbia news service writer Farrell writes: Sometimes called "designer mutts," puppies like the schnoodle, the cockabiche and the shih apso are rapidly gaining in popularity and selling at exorbitant prices. The schnoodle, cockabiche, and the shih apso? My goodness - next thing you tell me will be that they've crossed a labrador with a poodle to produce the labradoodle. These breeders have a perverse sense of humor.

Theorist Donna Haraway has commented in an interview with Prickly Paradigm Press: I'm interested in creatures that inhabit borderlands. Dogs inhabit the borderland between the civilized and the wildness that lies just beyond. Dogs are about unfreedom. Dogs are degraded wolves. They're about the realization of man's will in nature. All that is fascinating to me. I wonder what she would think dogs that embody the borders of race and breed that humans have established. What I also find unremarked upon is that if you read the history of every breed, you'll get the sense that mixing was an active part of that breeds genesis. But seriously though, a labradoodle?


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't understand this trend. isn't the whole point of dog breeding is to keep it pure?

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our labradoodle is a great dog. You can get traits that aren't found in "purebreed" dogs.

Remember, all dogs are combination of other breeds originally. This is just the development of a new breed.


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