Friday, February 04, 2005


[warning... kinda fucked up post]

A variation on my earlier What Would You Have Done? Here is a "What Did They Do" quiz.

Imagine this.. some broke-ass college students want to prank their former high school by putting a sex doll up in a tree. After said students got to the local sex shop, C&C, they realized that the white doll costs a minimum of $100, while the black dolls start from $20.

Did they?
A) Realize that they couldn't afford to pull off this prank and called it off to go home and blog about it.
B) Realize they were being horribly misogynist and purchased a non-humanoid sex doll to put up in the tree.
C) Stripped the friend in the group they liked least and tied him up in a tree.
D) Lynch a black sex doll.

This post that I stumbled on today has the whole story.


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi :) I found your blog while doing a search for these gold sneakers this girl had on in an art photo used as a layout on a website and I found the exact pair by a google search and thought you were a girl until I found your blog! :) The shoes are these:

I guess they're not for girls afterall? If you would be so nice, I'd love to know the brand name of the sneakers and where you got them in NY? I live and work in NY too and would love to find these. Thank you :)

My email is: and I have a blog at

- Nishi


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