Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Puppy Antics

During the day, aside from intermitten periods of play-time, the puppy naps. This translates into lots of energy at night. When he should be sleeping he's putzing about in his crate. This morning I was woken up at 4 in the morning to the sound of him chowing down on his own vomit. Doh. After I cleaned him off and was washing the crate he took advantage of my distraction by shitting on the carpet. Double-doh. I only noticed because I stepped in a small piece of a 5 piece masterpiece in the corner. Triple-doh. Serves me right for being nice and wanting to wait for him to warm up before taking him out into the rain for a potty walk. My goal today is to take advantage of the good weather to tire him out with lots of walks - provided this plan doesn't backfire on me and get me all sleepy and unable to get work done later tonight - it's a brilliant plan.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Paul said...

HA HA HA HA!!!! Is puppy settling into his crate at least, even if he vomits and pees there? Sorry. I can't help but laugh at your pain because it was once, not so long ago, my pain.

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Guy in NYC said...

He loves his crate - he goes in there just to chill out or to nap. If we leave the door open to it he'll slip in if we aren't watchful.


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