Wednesday, November 09, 2005


who dresses their ipod up in a pirate costume?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

sonic weapons

i had heard about the cruise ship that nearly avoided being boarded by machine gun wielding pirates off the coast of Somalia recently, but I've just read about how the cruise ship had "sonic weaponry" that that blasts earsplitting noise in a directed beam.... crazy.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Super Mario Brothers 3

I recently picked this up for my Game Boy Advance SP... it's been fun and nostalgic going through the game... but I stumbled across this link which provides some links to a videowhere a person manages to beat the game in 11 minutes. The writer of this review of the video is impressed with the way that the player racks up lives in level 8-1. I was more impressed with what the player was doing in level 8-2 where he was racking up the extra lives by jumping on consecutive bombs without the raccoon tail! Amazing. He never dies... and in the non-panning levels, he basically never stops running... if you've ever played this game, you need to download the video and marvel at the skill that is demonstrated.