Wednesday, March 30, 2005


If you think Terri: Culture of Death is upsetting, wait till you read this blog. You'll need to listen to this song to get over it.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Discipline, Energy, Beauty, and Strength

Wonderfully campy shit. In lesbian action film D.E.B.S. where we follow the adventurers of a group of spies that are selected out of a hidden test in the SAT that tests students' aptitude for lying, cheating, fighting, and destroying. My favorite lines?

Lucy: Australia's toast!
Scud: What's your beef with the Australians?
Lucy: I don't like their attitude.

Trailer here.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Fun with type

PContact Casesquared circle - from edward ruscha\CRAAAS, with some guy in the background.Letter T - Rosary Cemetery, Norwich, UKTrain Logo CirclenA undergroundTnO parkingrY
MUShallow SInformationNminiscule Gsuperman

Go here to spell with flickr images and Amaztype is a "typographic book search" which is also kinda nifty.

5 of 7

Wayward Puppy has a post with a 7 cartoon characters in silhouette. I was able to guess 5 out of the 7. The answers are here.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Pirated Sites...

Yeah - does the layout of a site look familiar? has a listing of some sites that are so obviously rip-offs of other people's designs. I am just wondering what the client felt about the fact that the web designer that they paid probably charged them an arm and a leg for basically no work.... hmmm.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Doggy porn

I subscribe to a listserv of french bulldog enthusiasts. It's like having a constant stream of ridiculously cute pictures streaming into my inbox. But I do think that it is rare to compare an animal with its plush doll representation only to reach the conclusion that the animal is cuter than the doll.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

My yesterday....

Involve being late to a number of appointments due to, what the New York Times reports was, "a succession of three power failures shut down the Lexington Avenue subway line in Manhattan for much of yesterday, creating a day of confusion that stranded hundreds of thousands of commuters."

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Sip, not gulp this martini

The Algonquin Hotel where I've spent many a evening soaking up yummy cocktails has a new menu item. The $10,000 martini. Hmm.