I am a target market
I know that I promised Gloryholes and Blowing for the next post... but that post is not quite ready yet... so consider this post the first 25 minutes of Entertainment Tonight - you know what I am talking about.
I plugged in the television the other day at previously mentioned loft. Not a good idea. Anyhow, I have discovered that public access television will often run in their entirety fashion runway shows.... and that I am a market segment. Apparently TBS is for me. Except I don't like any of the sitcoms that they carry. Their movie choices are delightfully and complusively watchable... They are currently doing a marathon of that chic flick "Bridget Jones' Diary" and I am currently trying to avoid getting sucked into the second airing... That embarassing disclosure aside.... I orignally got sucked into watching TV via an Opera special on "Extreme Makeovers" which was just too weird - basically they try to cram as many surgical procedures that they can on a person over a short period of time! One guy got - liposuction (face, neck, chest, stomach, hips, back, legs), eyelift, chin implants, jowl implants, eye lift, hair weave, a number of dental procedures, and Lasik, from what I can recall. What is so strange about this show is the fact that after the "transformation" everyone says that they are both more confident and becoming what they already are.... but one woman revealed to Oprah that she signed up in hopes of winning a free lasik procedure - and considered everything else just icing on the cake. She got over 8 procedures including a nose job. "Nip and Tuck" is now a show I kinda want to see now... but I'm not sure I can handle the gory nip/tuck scenes (which may result in me missing out on perhaps some important parts of the show)....
But back to Outback Jack - I generally take a stand against reality television - but gee golly - which box would you check? I mean - the outback is exciting enough as it is even without Jack.