Monday, October 11, 2004

Why backups are important...

From a Craigslist ad:

Chapter I, "Disaster"

So the story is, as careful diligent Craig'slisters will have read in the lost-and-found section, my wife was mugged at knife point by a caucasian male, early 40s, who was lying in wait in a maroon mini-van at about 8:00 in the evening around September 16 in the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn. He wrested her bag from her; she screamed, the neighborhood converged on him, but he got away.

So, in the bag: our Ibook, which had my wife's PHD THESIS ON IT! Family photos! Et cetera!

Word of the disaster spreads.

Chapter II

We scrape together some cash, including a gift from my Tante Judith, and invest in a new 12" Ibook. We beef-up the specifications, thinking, what the hell, let's take care of ourselves, let's go for it, submit an order at, and start a period of EAGER ANTICIPATION.

Chapter III, "The Mysterious Package."

Shorlty thereafter, a package arrives. But it's a 12" Powerbook. Not what we ordered. Hmm... Turns out, my best friend Dave, who's DOING PRETTY WELL, I guess, and has just had a child, and so is FEELING MAGNAMINOUS, has purchased a computer for us. Oh my gosh, Dave, thanks. It's a wonderful life!

Chapter IV, "We Need to Sell this Ibook"

The Ibook arrived today. We can't return it, Apple tells us, apologetically, because it's a "custom order."


At 8:45 PM, Blogger Paul said...

OMG. Priceless. I'm just waiting to write my dissertation so that someone will steal my iBook. It's inevitable, apparently.


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