Monday, April 05, 2004

Argh... I've forgotten my password..

To get into my frequent flyer account. I used to have it in my palm pilot until a bout of forgetfulness caused its memory to be erased due to dead batteries. So, now I have to deal with my own faulty memory. I am racking my brain trying to remember the name of the person I went to prom with. Why the heck did I bother to select that option? I suppose I thought all the other options were too easy to remember (or to guess) - little did I know that eight years later that the name of blonde bombshell who I went to prom with would gone from my brain. I choose to think of it as moving on. D'oh. For the record. We had a great time. I accidentally had spiked punch. Second base was reached. She wanted to go to third but I was too much of a prude to go there. Maybe that's why I don't recall her name...


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