Monday, May 03, 2004

Media Matters for America

Is a new site that tracks and fact checks the conservative media. It is run by David Brock, former conservative pundit turned liberal. I haven't had a lot of time to examine Media Matters yet, but according to their about us page "Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. Conservative misinformation is defined as news or commentary presented in the media that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda." Boy, as much as I dig the service, I would never want to work at that non-profit.

Party Scene
Stranger 1: Hi there!
Me: Hi!
Stranger 1: What do you do?
Me: Oh, I read and listen to conservative media all day....
Stranger 1: Oh... well, I need to not talk to you...
(Stranger 1 leaves, Stranger 2 sidles up)
Stranger 2: I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning what you do all day...
Me: Yeah....
Stranger 2: Isn't Andrew Sullivan great!?
Me: (runs away) Ahhhhhh!

On the telephone
Me: ... and that's what I do.
Anthropologist Academic: Haven't you read Susan Harding's book?
Me: ... yeah...
Anthropologist Academic: Don't you remember what happens when you immerse yourself in fundamentalist language??
Me: (starts drafting letter of resignation) !!


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